A Minto Childhood

Life was quite a bit different when Mrs Joan Murphy was a little girl growing up in Minto in the 1920’s and 1930’s. It was much simpler and she knew most people by name. Her memories give an insight into what it was like to grow up in a time when people didn’t have as many possessions. People helped one another and were generous with the many visitors that came across their paths.

School was quite different. There certainly wasn’t the space to move around. There were lots of children in a small space!

We created a book based on Mrs Murphy’s memories. Year 3 illustrated the story. We hope you enjoy listening and looking at what we learned about our local history.

2 thoughts on “A Minto Childhood

  1. Dear 3T

    I and I hope you loved making the the minto childhood all of the pages were amazing. harry’s was amazing. the best!!!!!!!

    from Christian !!!!!!!

  2. I think that’s awesome I love it . History is so interesting I love it its a little bit boring but I’m doing crystals Haylie that’s so very interesting! I love it!

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